Kudus: Salahaddin Fatihler Bölüm 32″ (Saladin: The Victors Episode 32):
Episode 32: “The New Order”
In this episode of Saladin: The Victors, Sultan Salahuddin works to establish a new order in Jerusalem, restoring the city’s mosques and Islamic institutions. As he consolidates his power, he must also navigate the complex politics of the region, forging alliances with other Muslim leaders and fending off threats from the Crusaders.
Meanwhile, the Crusaders regroup and plan their next move, determined to retake Jerusalem and crush the Muslim forces once and for all. As tensions build towards a new confrontation, Salahuddin must remain vigilant and prepare his army for the challenges ahead.
Watch Episode 32 of Saladin: The Victors to see how Salahuddin establishes his rule in Jerusalem!